February 14, 2025

These are the term dates for 2025.

Term 1:

Friday 31st January to Friday 11th April.

Pupil Free Days: Friday 31st January and Monday 3rd February.

Term 2:

Monday 28th April to Thursday 3rd July.

Public Holidays: Monday 9th June.

Pupil Free Day: Friday 4th July.

Term 3:

Monday 21st July to Friday 26th September.

Term 4:

Monday 13th October to Friday 19th December.

Pupil Free Days: Thursday 18th December and Friday 19th December.

50 Wingecarribee St, Bowral NSW 2576
P: 02 4861 1342
E: admin@gumnutpreschoolbowral.com.au

Acknowledgement of Country
We would like to acknowledge the Gundungurra People 
who are the traditional custodians of the land on where we play and learn.