Gumnut is a community-based, not-for-profit preschool, which is managed by an annually elected committee. We have a long tradition of providing excellence in preschool education in a welcoming and inclusive environment. We foster strong relationships with our families and children, who value the opportunities we offer for developing friendships and experiencing the joy of play. Our experienced educators are professional, caring and passionate about providing the best preschool experience for every child. We honour the diverse strengths and interests of each member of our team. 

Gumnut Preschool offers an environment that nurtures the whole child through the Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework. We are guided by the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child and the Early Childhood Code of Ethics. Our practices are underpinned by a strong belief in the significance of Aboriginal Cultures and Histories and the importance of sustaining the natural environment in which we play and learn.

Our centre offers culturally relevant, play-based learning experiences focused on each child’s strengths, interests and needs. Our curriculum fosters each child's self-confidence and relationships, supporting children to recognise and express emotions, to interact positively and demonstrate respect for one another. The preschool program is designed to stimulate children's curiosity and creativity, while fostering thinking, communicating, investigating, exploring and problem-solving skills. The program has a strong focus on supporting the development of early language, literacy and numeracy skills. Additionally, each child is encouraged to develop life-long health and safety habits.

Gumnut Preschool is nestled in the heart of Bowral in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales. Established in the 1950s, we have operated out of the current building since 1970. We have provided generations of local children and families with a warm and supportive preschool learning environment in the year before they are eligible to start school.

We acknowledge the Gundungurra people as the traditional custodians of the land where we play and learn.
We will provide inspiring preschool education that enriches the lives of our children and families.

Our children, families, educators and community will work together towards achieving our vision and upholding our key values. We will act in the best interests of the child, upholding their right to a high-quality preschool experience, through respectful relationships, collaborative partnerships and professional practices.

Child-centered in all decision making
High quality play-based learning
Connection with ATSI cultures and histories, our children, families and the community
Sustainability of our people, place and environment
Gumnut Preschool sits proudly on Gundungurra country and has been a vibrant part of our local community on this site since 1970. We recognise the importance of Aboriginal cultures and histories and the Gundungurra people as the traditional custodians of this land.

The artwork shows Gumnut nestled amongst the culturally significant landscape features of Mount Gibraltar, Oxley Hill and the Wingecarribee River. The children of the preschool are protected by the goanna totem, and the sun and moon as the givers of life.

The bright colours tell the story of the children and families who have been a part of Gumnut, each enriching our centre with their own cultures and histories and experiencing the joy of play. The footprints depict the life journey of our children and families as they arrive and then leave with new skills and friendships.

Artwork created through a collaboration between Gumnut Preschool, Ngandabaa Art and Platypus Dreamin’ Programs.

50 Wingecarribee St, Bowral NSW 2576
P: 02 4861 1342
E: admin@gumnutpreschoolbowral.com.au

Acknowledgement of Country
We would like to acknowledge the Gundungurra People 
who are the traditional custodians of the land on where we play and learn.