Our centre offers culturally relevant, play-based learning experiences focused on each child’s strengths, interests and needs. Our curriculum fosters each child's self-confidence and relationships, supporting children to recognise and express emotions, to interact positively and demonstrate respect for one another. The preschool program is designed to stimulate children's curiosity and creativity, while fostering thinking, communicating, investigating, exploring and problem-solving skills. The program has a strong focus on supporting the development of early language, literacy and numeracy skills. Additionally, each child is encouraged to develop life-long health and safety habits.
We operate two separate classes of 20 children in the Snugglepot and Cuddlepie Rooms. In 2023, classes attend either two days (Mon / Tue) or three days (Wed / Thu / Fri). The groups attend on consecutive days to provide the children with consistency of peers and educators and to allow for continuity in learning experiences and play.
Our Preschool Programme operates from 8.55am to 2.55pm each weekday during school terms. A limited number of places for extended hours are available from 8.30am until 3.45pm and can be arranged with the Director according to eligibility criteria. The Centre is occasionally closed for pupil free / professional development days throughout the year.
Gumnut is a not-for-profit organisation. In 2025, families are eligible to apply for NSW Government Fee Relief through the Affordable Preschools Programme.

Families who apply this fee relief at our service pay $335.50 per term to attend in the 2 day group, or $721.00 per term to attend in the 3 day group.

This may be reviewed in the future if needed.

The fee is set at the General Meeting in November each year after the Budget for the following year has been presented. Holders of a Health Care Card are eligible to receive subsidised fees and families using extended hours are charged an additional fee.
As a community-based organisation the day-to-day operation of the centre is conducted by the Director. A Management Committee, consisting of parents elected at the Annual General Meeting each year, is responsible for the overall Governance of the Preschool. General Meetings are held regularly throughout the year and we encourage families to attend and get involved. Gumnut is registered as an Incorporated Association under the Associations Incorporation Act, 1984. As part of the enrolment process, one parent / guardian from each family is required to become a member of the Association.
Gumnut has developed a comprehensive set of policies, which guide our everyday practices in line with the National Law and Education and Care Regulations. These policies are available to parents who also have the opportunity to be involved in their review.
At Gumnut we provide an inclusive play-based program which reflects the needs, interests and cultures of the children attending. We offer new and challenging experiences in both the indoor and outdoor environments which are designed to foster confidence, relationships and elevate children’s learning. Our curriculum aligns with our Key Values and Philosophy and is guided by the practices, principles and learning outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework. Further information on these documents is available via USEFUL LINKS.
The learning environment and program is developed by your child’s Early Childhood Teacher in consultation with the other staff working in the room. We believe in play-based learning and that children are active, investigative and capable learners. Our environments, both indoors and out, are designed with a variety of learning spaces and resources which are carefully planned to engage, intrigue and inspire. Children have access to a wide range of resources such as books, puzzles, blocks, loose parts, art materials, music, instruments, dress up clothes, home corner equipment, games and imaginative play resources.
Our program provides for a mix of active and quiet play, individual work alongside both large and small groups and reflects our strong commitment to the importance of Aboriginal Cultures and Histories, our natural environment and environmental sustainability. Our planned group experiences are a way of sharing our learning and form a strong foundation for our program. Children are encouraged to contribute their ideas to collaborative discussions and to have a sense of agency within the service and beyond. We provide experiences and opportunities that encourage the acquisition of skills, knowledge and attitudes, which form the foundation for lifelong learning and assist with a smooth transition to school.
Our day follows a flexible structure which provides the security of predictable routines and rituals.
The flow of a ‘Winter’ day could follow a pattern like this:

Free play indoors
Morning welcome and group language time
Progressive morning tea while continuing with indoor play
Warm-ups and outdoor free play
Outdoor pack away and cool downs
Lunch together as a whole class
Rest and relaxation or small group activities
Music experiences, games or stories
Indoor play until home time
Term 1:
Friday 31st January to Friday 11th April.
Pupil Free Days: Friday 31st January. and Monday 3rd February.

Term 2:
Monday 28th April to Thursday 3rd July.
Public Holidays: Monday 9th June.
Pupil Free Day: Friday 4th July.

Term 3:
Monday 21st July to Friday 26th September.

Term 4:
Monday 13th October to Friday 19th December.
Pupil Free Days: Thursday 18th December and Friday 19th December.
Events held at the service vary from year to year, but may include:
‘Getting to know you’ coffee mornings
Welcome evening for parents
AGM and Committee elections
Parent information nights
Harmony Day
Class entries in the Moss Vale Show
Participation in the ANZAC Day march
NSW Health eye screening
Children’s Indigenous Education Program
Intergenerational Programs
Open Day
Working bees
Walks in the local area
Visits to the local library, schools or art gallery.
50 Wingecarribee St, Bowral NSW 2576
P: 02 4861 1342
E: admin@gumnutpreschoolbowral.com.au

Acknowledgement of Country
We would like to acknowledge the Gundungurra People 
who are the traditional custodians of the land on where we play and learn.