Philosophy Statement

Statement 2025

Gumnut has a long tradition of providing excellence in preschool education in a welcoming and inclusive environment, laying the foundations for lifelong learning. We foster strong relationships with our families and children who value the opportunities we offer for developing friendships and experiencing the joy of play.
Our philosophy is inspired by our vision and values and current
research in the field. We are guided by the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Child Safe Standards. Our practice is informed by the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics, the National Quality Standards, the Early Years Learning Framework in Australia – Belonging, Being and Becoming V 2.0 and the ECA Statement on Play. (Quality Area 7.1.1 - A statement of philosophy guides all aspects of the service’s operations)

We are

⎻ part of the wider community on Gundungurra land.

⎻ a community based, parent managed, not-for-profit service, offering a high level of education, care and support for children and their families.

We believe

⎻ in the value of play in all its forms and children as active participants and contributors to their own learning, development and wellbeing.

⎻ in nurturing a positive self-esteem and confidence within each child to develop communication and social skills, promoting a child’s sense of agency.

⎻ in developing healthy, active lifestyles and a mentally healthy community.

⎻ in creating, for staff and families, an environment which is based around mutual respect, reflection, teamwork and professionalism.

⎻ in honouring the diverse strengths and passions of each member of our community.

⎻ in acknowledging the diversity of individuals, family structures, values, culture and child rearing practices. We are committed to an inclusive approach and support each child to feel safe, secure, confident and included.

⎻ that sustainable natural environments help children to develop an awareness and respect for their world.

We recognise

⎻ the rich history, culture, traditions and language of the Gundungurra people as the first people of the land where we play and learn.

⎻ the importance of working in partnership with families and the community by encouraging and valuing their contributions and participation.

⎻ that learning is most effective when built upon prior experiences.

⎻ that equal importance should be given to both the indoor and outdoor learning environments.

⎻ the importance of the preschool experience as being an essential part of a successful transition to school and beyond.

We will

⎻ nurture the whole child through the practices, principles and outcomes of the EYLF V 2.0 ‘Belonging, Being & Becoming’, providing a happy and safe environment where children can play, learn, investigate and reflect together.
50 Wingecarribee St, Bowral NSW 2576
P: 02 4861 1342

Acknowledgement of Country
We would like to acknowledge the Gundungurra People 
who are the traditional custodians of the land on where we play and learn.